Steve sure enjoyed the meal last night at the Kaz' restaurant...Becky, so so. It was a traditional Kaz' meals...lots of meats and potatoes. Fresh tomatoes and cucumbers and juice, and some great rolls. Plus raisins, apricots, and peanuts. We are having rolls and peanut butter and soup for dinner.
We are sure on a roller coaster ride of emotions. After just four days of visits, we are ready to take Daniel home tonight. Alas,Kaz' rules require us to visit for 15 days, then we go to court, and ask to adopt Daniel. After that approval, there is more paperwork and procedures to be done. That could take a month, sometimes less. We will not know until the court hearing. We have to prepare a speech for the courts, and have that translated into Kaz'. Plus they will ask us questions, which we also need to prepare for.
This morning we got a tour of the orphanage. There are about 12 kids in his room, ten boys and two girls. Looks like they are in the 3 to 5 year old group. We met the social worker, and two care givers, including Mama Katcha. All are very nice, and they were able to tell us what a good boy Daniel is. They showed us some of his art work. He has talent, honest!! Each child has their own bed, and a place in the bathroom for their toothbrushes and towels. Very organized. Very clean facility.
This afternoon before our visit, Daniel got chocolate ice cream for his afternoon snack. It sure seemed to give him an extra energy boost. Kick ball, basketball (IU prospect for sure JJ), monkey bars, picking up stuff off the ground, and the like. We hope he sleeps well tonite, we know we will and can hardly wait to get back there for our morning two hour visit. We did manage to buy some more puzzles and games this afternoon, and a couple of new shirts.
OK...we had hoped to send a video tonite...but it is 25Mb. So here's our photo from this afternoon. It was about 70 degrees here, so Daniel din't have to wear that black hat. From our biased prespective, sure looks like he has some of those good Potts traits.
Oh, did we mention yet...he has big brown eyes and he's a lefty with the pencil and crayon, and a righty when it comes to frisbee and BB. So that means there will be two leftys at home now...Steve will be outnumbered and outsmarted for years to come
Thanks for all the posts. They mean a lot to us. We will be glad to get home to America, but we know now that it will be very hard to say goodbye and assure him that we will back. We asked Daniel who were his best friends in his group, and he answered...
Mama and Papa.....that says it all!