Another warm day here...shorts would be great to wear if we had any. Now we know we shouldda brought more toys and puzzles and the like. Just hope there ain't no Siberia winds heading this way. Hey, that reminds us...here's a map of Kazakhstan. Note that we are in the NE part of the country in Oskemen (Kazakh' name) or Ust-Kamenogorsk in Russian. We are about 200 miles from Mongolia, China and Russia.
For all those family and friends and new adoptive family friends, you all know what a process it has been for us...letters of recommendations (thanks Jacque, Diann, and Tom) way back in January, then a home study, a collection of assorted other papers for our dossier, and then just a few weeks ago, our Letter of Invitation. And then, the travel time and wear and tear on us to get here. Well.....it was worth all that and more. He is a great kid and we are honored to add him to our family. We are so blessed and extend our thanks and hugs and handshakes to all that have helped us along the way. We can hardly wait for you to meet Daniel.
Saturday morning is bath day at the orphanage, so we will miss our morning visit. The routine is very important and they have a set schedule. we sure will be missing him a lot tomorrow, yet also happy he will be clean when we see him in the afternoon. Taking a bath once a week sure reminds us of being young kids...tho' we just can't understand how our parents could stand the BO of four kids under toes and under lots of dirt too. As to how long ago that was...we are not going to give specific dates nor range of years. Needless to say, the majority of our blogspot viewers can also remember those days as well - especially at family gatherings when we all sit around and try to recall names of pets, neighbors, teachers, and the like.
This latest photo was taken with the timer on our camera. Papa had to run back to the couch to join Mama and Daniel. He sure loves to be photographed, and loves to see the pictures on our digital camera. A shout-out here to Ashley and Ryan for encouraging us years ago to get with the 21st Century and go digital. Sure glad we did.
Good to hear from NYC and Northern Michigan bloggers...soon Kentucky perhaps and Southern Illinois.
Bye bye...we are going to bed...nearly 9 pm here and we are pooped. Will be shopping and sight seeing with our driver and translator in the morning. Gotta get more puzzles and a baseball bat and.........