Upon further review, a request has been made to post a few photos from the holidays...here's one with Grandma in Indiana, Grandpa and Grandma in Michigan...and one of the time tested method of how to get down the stairs. Boy-style. Our nephews used this same method when they visited ABUS years and years ago.....remember that Ben and James, and Ryan, and Corey and Nick and 1st Cousin Mike. After all, boys will be boys....in the USA and from Kaz' too.
And oh yes...Daniel met Father Frost on NY Eve at a Russian Celebration we attended. He got to speak Russkie all night long and even managed to stay up till 1 with his new friends.
Hi Becky and Steve and Daniel!!! You all look and sound like you are doing wonderful!! This is so good to hear! I always wonder if it is chaos the first month home but you seem to be doing great!!
What a wonderful start to a new life for the Madison family!! Looks like he and you are adjusting well. I am sure there is a lot of activity in your home!
Marge and Freddy
Hi - I just found your blog - congrats on gettin ghome safely with your little boy - he is precious! We're also adopting from Kaz, and waiting! Do you ahve any more pictures of the Ust orphanage, and all the children there? I'd invite you to our blog - email me at ruley@tampabay.rr.com
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